Tunan Zhu

Tunan Zhu

Welcome to my homepage |ω・)

I obtained my PhD in May 2020 from ENS Paris, working under the supervision of Vincent Vargas. There were two main axes in my research work: Gaussian multiplicative chaos (GMC) and Liouville quantum gravity (LQG). GMC is a random measure with density given by the exponential of a log-correlated Gaussian field. It has applications in random matrices, random geometry, statistical physics, finance etc. On the other hand, LQG is a physics theory that lies at the interface of quantum field theory and conformal field theory. My goal is to prove rigorously some conjectures in LQG and deduce as a consequence exact results on GMC.



During 2018-2020, I taught statistics for the course "Mathématiques et statistiques pour économistes" at ENS Paris.


  • Introduction au domaine de recherche: théorie conforme des champs de Liouville par l'approche probabiliste. [pdf]
  • Formule de Benoît-Saint Aubin pour la théorie conforme des champs de Liouville. [pdf]
  • Fluctuations de la loi empirique de grandes matrices aléatoires. [pdf], [beamer]
  • Théorème de Kaufman. [pdf]
  • Transport optimal sous contrainte de type martingale. [pdf]


  • Jun 2019 - Probability and quantum field theory: discrete models, CFT, SLE and constructive aspects, IGESA, Porquerolles, France.
  • Jul 2018 - Random geometry follow up, University of Cambridge, UK. (Slides)
  • Jun 2018 - Hausdorff school on log-correlated fields, HCM, Bonn, Germany.
  • Oct 2017 - Scaling limits of random planar maps and Liouville quantum gravity, MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany.
  • Jan 2017 - L'ecole d'hiver combinatoire et interaction, CIRM, Marseilles, France.
  • Oct 2016 - 2nd French Russian conference ‘Random geometry and physics’, IHP, Paris, France.


  • Email : tunan.zhu_"shift+2"_ens.fr
  • Bureau : V6 / Passage Vert, rez-de-chaussée, escalier B
  • Equipe : Probabilités et statistiques
  • Etablissement de rattachement : ENS
Head portrait